01. Avg. 2018.

Miroslav Mišković, vlasnik Delta holdinga


Najavljene velike investicije u real estate-u: izgradnju novog šoping-mola, novog poslovnog sedišta, još dva hotela visoke kategorije...

Bogastvo Miroslava Miškovića, vlasnika Delta holdinga, prema Forbes-u je procenjeno na 520 miliona dolara za 2016, i jedan je od najbogatijih ljudi u Srbiji.

Mišković nakon rada u Jugobanci i Trajalu, odlazi u Hemijsku industriju ‘Župa’, gde posle tri godine postaje izvršni direktor kompanije. Na toj poziciji ostao je do 1990. godine, kada ga u Vladu poziva Slobodan Milošević. Nakon kratkog izleta u politici i šest meseci na potpredsedničkom mestu u Vladi, odlučuje se da osnuje svoju firmu, uvozno-izvozno preduzeće ‘Delta M’. Osnovana 1991. Delta M je pored Miškovića imala pet zaposlenih, od čega su četiri bili pripravnici. 

Kontakti koje je tokom rada u ‘Župi’ uspostavio sa Slovenijom, pomogli su mu da razvije svoj export-import biznis na kojem je i zaradio, kako je govorio, prvi milion maraka. 

U to vreme Delta posluje u oblasti agrara (trgovina voćem i povrćem) i u drvnoj industriji. Realizuje prve ugovore sa renomiranim kompanijama Nike i Zeneca. Već 1991. osniva i prvu privatnu banku - Delta banku.

U period od 1994. do 1999. portfolio Delte se proširuje na zastupanje Fiata, Nestle, Beiersdorf (Nivea) i drugih brendova. Zbog sankcija uvedenih Srbiji, Mišković veći deo poslovanja Delte seli u Rusiju i Ukrajinu. Delta tada ulazi i u potpuno novu oblast i osniva Delta osiguranje.

Od 2000, sa političkim promenama u Srbiji, Mišković odlučuje da redukuje poslovanje u Rusiji i prodaje Bajkalski celulozni kombinat. Novac dobijen ovom prodaju kreće u nove investicione projekte u Srbiji. Pokreće prvi privatni trgovački lanac Maxi i kreće u druge poslove.

Delta banku prodaje italijanskoj bankarskoj grupaciji Intesa 2004. Tada kreće novi investicioni ciklus za Deltu: privatizacija domaćih društvenih preduzeća, ulaganje u izgradnju nekretnina, širenje maloprodajnog lanca, otvaranje tržnih centara…

Iako je Mišković o svojim poslovima retko priča u javnosti, jednom prilikom je rekao da je novac više zaradio “na tuđoj gluposti, nego na sopstvenoj pameti”.

Otvara prvi shoping moll u Srbiji  - Delta City, zajedno sa partnerom Hypo Alpe Adria, za potrebe Univerzijade 2009, podiže naselje Belville, u tom trenutku najveće gradilište na Balkanu, Delta Maxi otvara novi prodajni format – Tempo, Delta postaje zastupnik Honde i BMW-a. 

Delta osiguranje osniva prvi privatni penzioni fond i u isto vreme Delta ulazi sa Generali Group u stateško partnerstvo 50-50% u Delta osiguranju.

Iako Delta nastavlja sa širenjem poslovanja, na jednom poluformalnom sastanku sa novinarima, Miroslav Mišković, na pitanje novinara, koji su njegovi poslovni planovi odgovorio je: „Planiram da dalje razvijam sektor maloprodaje, trgovine i agrara. Ukoliko uočim da neki sektori nisu profitabilni, spreman sam sve da prodam sem agrara. To će tada biti core business Delte“, rekao je tom prilikom Mišković. 

U kojoj meri je ekonomska kriza 2008, a u kojoj eventualno preinvestiranje Delte uticalo na odluku, tek Mišković je krenuo u prodaju delova Delta holdinga. Delta Maxi je 2011. prodat belgijskoj grupaciji Delhaize. Deltini prihodi od prodaje kompanija time su premašili 1,5 milijardi evra. Delta izlazi iz biznisa osiguranja i preostali udeo prodaje Generali.

Strateški biznis ostaje Delta Agrar, organizovan kroz pet imanja i fabrike hrane: Yuhor, Danubius, Mioni i Florida Bel.

Iako je izgubila veliki deo brendova koje je distribuirala, te prodala Costa Coffee, Delta ipak je zadržala deo posla distribucije. U međuvremenu Delta holding otvara hotel Crowne Plaza Beograd, Mišković planira i najavljuje velike investicije u real estate-u: izgradnju novog šoping-mola, novog poslovnog sedišta, još dva hotela visoke kategorije... Ostaje da se vidi da li je ovo novo širenje Delta holdinga i da li će dostići nekadašnju cifru od preko 24.000 zaposlenih.  

Miroslav Miskovic, owner of Delta Holding Company


Huge investments into the area of real estate have been announced: construction of a new shopping mall, a new business headquarter, 2 more hotels of high category….

In 2016, a wealth of Miroslav Miskovic, an owner of Delta Holding, according to Forbes, was estimated on USD 520 million and he is one of the richest people in Serbia. 

Upon his working in Jugobanka and Trajal, Miskovic went to chemical industry “Zupa” where, after 3 years, became an executive director of the company. On that position he stayed until 1990. when Slobodan Milosevic invited him into Serbian government. After that short period of time spent in politics and 6 months on the position of Vice-president in Serbian government, he decided to establish his own company, export-import company “Delta M”. It was established in 1991. Except of Miskovic, this company had 5 employees, 4 of them were probationers. 

The contact he developed with Slovenia during his work in “Zupa”, helped him to develop his own export-import business on which, as he said, he earned his first million German marks. 

In that period of time, Delta led agrochemical business (trade with fruits and vegetables), as well as wood industry. He realized his first contracts with Nike and Zeneca. In 1991, he established the first private bank - Delta bank. 

Between 1994-1999, portfolio of Delta was spread to the representation of Fiat, Nestle, Beiersdorf (Nivea) and other brands. Due to sanctions Serbia experienced in that period of time, Miskovic moved a part of his business to Russia and the Ukraine. Then, Delta entered completely new area and established Delta Osiguranje (Delta Insurance). 

Since 2000, together with political changes in Serbia, Miskovic decided to reduce his business in Russia; he sold Baikal cellulose combine. Money earned in this selling was invested in new projects in Serbia. Miskovic has launched the first private retail chain “Maxi” and started some other business. 

Italian banking group Intesa bought Delta banka in 2004. That was a new investment cycle for Delta: Privatization of domestic public companies, investment in building construction, retail chains spreading, shopping malls opening…

Although Miskovic rarely speaks about his business in public, once he said that more money he earned “on other people’s stupidity than on his own intelligence”. 

He opened the first shopping mall in Serbia Delta City, together with its partner Hypo Alpe Adria, for the needs of Universiade 2009, constructed the Belville settlement – in that moment it was the biggest construction site in Europe – Delta opened a new selling format – Tempo, Delta become a representative of Honda and BMW…….

Delta Osiguranje (Delta Insurance) establishes the first pension fund and in the same time enters in the strategic partnership with Generali Group, 50-50% in Delta Osiguranje (Delta Insurance). 

Although Delta continues to spread its business, at one semi-formal meeting with the journalists, Miroslav Miskovic replied to the question what are his business plans: “I plan to continue to develop the sector of retail, commerce and agrochemicals. If I notice that some sectors are not profitable ones I am ready to sell everything except of agrochemicals. It will then be core business Delta” stated Miskovic. 

In what amount the economic crisis in 2008 and in what amount possible reinvesting of Delta influenced that decision, it is not known, but Miskovic started to sell some parts of Delta holding. In 2011 Delta maxi was sold to the Belgian group Delhaize. Delta’s incomes from the company selling went over 1,5 billion of euros then. Delta went out from the business and leftovers sold to Generali company. 

A strategic business remains to be Delta Agrar, organized through 5 properties and one food factory: Yuhor, Danubius, Mioni and Florida Bel. 

Although it has lost a big number of brands being distributed and sold Costa Coffee, Delta has kept a part of distribution business. Meanwhile, Delta Holding opened Crowne Plaza hotel in Belgrade and Miskovic plans and announces a big investments in the area of real estate: construction of a new shopping mall, a new business headquarter, 2 more hotels of high category…It remains to be seen if this means a new spreading of Delta Holding and if it will reach a former number of 24.000 employees.